Community College & MassTransfer

Community College

Community colleges offer an outstanding way for students to continue their education post high school. There are a wide variety of reasons why students choose to continue their education at a community college:

  • taking a class or two while working or exploring other options before committing to a particular plan
  • working toward a certificate or associate's degree
  • enrolling part-time or full-time with a plan to transfer to a four-year college or university

Whatever the reason, below are a few factors to consider:

  • Location- With multiple campuses within a reasonable drive from Franklin, students have a wide range of options with varying programs available to them. Though community colleges do not offer on-campus living, some campuses do offer dorm options on nearby state university campuses on a year-to-year basis. (Area community colleges listed by distance below)
  • Major/Program- For students interested in a career that may only require a certificate or an associate’s degree, community colleges can be the path to employment in less time than a four-year program.
  • Cost- The cost per credit at a community college is approximately half that of state universities in Massachusetts. Beginning your post-secondary learning at a community college can lead to significant savings.


MassTransfer is a formal agreement between Massachusetts community colleges and Massachusttes state college/universities. Students begin their college experience on a community college campus and have the following opportunities:

  • GenEd Foundation in which students complete a set of 34 credits at a community college that are guaranteed to be accepted to complete their General Education requirements at all Massachusetts state colleges and universities (except Mass Maritime and Mass Art which have separate GenEd requirements).
  • A2B Degree in which students complete an associate’s degree at a community college with guaranteed credit transfer and may qualify for guaranteed acceptance to certain programs at partner state universities.
  • Commonwealth Commitment in which students complete an associate’s degree at a community college with a 3.0 GPA and qualify for even greater cost savings.
  • MassTransfer program search