Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA)

Health Occupation Students of America :Our mission is to inspire future healthcare professionals about medicine so they have a clear idea of what the field entails. HOSA will provide future doctors, nurses, and PAs with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work with individuals. HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) is a student-led organization that strives to educate and empower future doctors, nurses, surgeons, and other healthcare professionals. The High school division has a plethora of competitions, scholarships, and service opportunities that introduce students to the field of medicine. Students participating in this club will have the opportunity to compete in different healthcare based events, run their own fundraisers for important organizations, and gain valuable experience in the healthcare field!
Mondays at 2:150 - 3:00 pm
Where:  Room 347
Google Classroom join code: k3sbkjx
Club Advisor
Advisor NameAdvisor Contact number
Ms. Lynn DegidioExt. 1678