Weekend Backpack Program

Weekend Backpack Program
Dear Franklin Public School Families,
This letter is to inform you of a new program available for children enrolled in Franklin Public Schools.
Franklin Public Schools has partnered with the Franklin Food Pantry to provide food to students who
might benefit from this support. Together, we will gather, package, and provide bags of food for
students during the school year to take home over the weekend. Students who participate in this
program are kept confidential to appropriate school personnel. Names are not shared with food pantry personnel.
The packaged food will be sent home on Fridays, and this will continue through the end of the school
year. This is a free program for all participating families. The backpacks will contain a variety of child
friendly foods. Some examples are granola bars, oatmeal, SpaghettiOs, shelf stable milk and Ritz
crackers. The backpacks will be distributed to students in a discreet and caring manner.
If you are interested in receiving the Backpack or have questions about the program, please call the
Nurse’s office. You may also sign below and return this letter to the School Nurse.
I would like my child (name) ______________________________________________,to participate in the Weekend Backpack Program (please list the names of all children that you would like to participate).
Signature Contact number/email