IHCA - Summer School

File:  IHCA


Summer School
Summer School will be established annually.
The Franklin Summer School will offer an extensive selection of courses in all major academic fields.  Course offerings are grouped into three categories based on the student's purpose for study.  Courses carrying academic credit are given for the purpose of remediation and/or make-up credit.  Noncredit preview or enrichment courses may be offered as are remedial courses.

It is the intention to meet the individual needs of each student, as well as these of the larger community.  A systems approach to instruction is utilized.  The objectives of the Franklin Summer School are:


a)      To provide students the opportunity to:

  • Remedy deficiencies in problem areas.
  • Make up credits lost during a previous school year.
  • Preview a subject to be taken the following school year.
  • Gain additional background in a subject area now being pursued.
  • Accelerate in requirements for a high school diploma
  • Provide opportunities for students to explore and/or learn about subject areas not part of the regular curricula.
  • Participate in academic support groups
LEGAL REF.:             M.G.L. 71:28


Reviewed, revised:  3/9/16