IHBHA - Alternative School

File:  IHBHA
To set guidelines for the establishment of an educational program designed for students who cannot function in the normal school environment.
The School Committee will provide~alternative~education programs where these needs have been identified, where establishment of such programs is feasible, and where the proposed programs fall within the function normally associated with the public school district.
The following are circumstances where an alternative school program may be recommended:
  • Truancy (non-attendees).  Students who attend only one (1) or two (2) days out of five (5)
  • Habitual school offenders (consistent suspensions without improvement)
  • Students who are not meeting local promotional requirements
  • Pregnant or parenting teens
  • Psychological or Emotionally Impaired Students
These~alternative~educational programs will seek to provide an appropriate academic, social, and vocational experience to aid these young people either to reenter the regular school district, move into another educational setting, or prepare them for successful employment.
Alternative education programs do not include programs exclusively serving students receiving special education services or vocational-technical education.
Alternative programs shall observe all policies and regulations that govern all of the schools and programs of the District unless specifically waived by the School Committee.

Prior to implementation, the School Committee shall approve alternative programs.

LEGAL REFS.:  M.G.L. 71:37I; 71:37J


Reviewed; revised:  6/15/16