IHBA-R - Programs for Students with Disabilities

File:  IHBA-R


Programs for Students with Disabilities


In keeping with the intention of the state of Massachusetts to offer educational opportunities to all students that will enable them to lead fulfilling and productive lives, the District shall provide appropriate educational opportunities to all resident students in accordance with the requirements of state and federal statutes.
Any student who needs or is believed to need special education or related services not available through existing programs in order to receive a free appropriate public education may be referred by a parent, teacher, or other licensed school employee to the Instructional Support Team (IST) for identification and evaluation of the student's individual education needs. The IST will be composed of persons knowledgeable about the student, the student's school history, the student's individual needs, the meaning of evaluation data, and the placement options. The building Principal will monitor the composition of the IST to ensure that qualified personnel participate. The IST will consider the referral and, based upon a review of the student's existing records, including academic, social, and behavioral records, make a decision as to whether an evaluation under this procedure is appropriate. If a request for evaluation is denied, the IST will inform the parents or guardian of this decision and of their procedural rights.


LEGAL REF.:  Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504
Reviewed; revised:  6/14/16