BEDB - Order of Business

File:  BEDB

Order of Business

On the appearance of a quorum, the Chair will convene the meeting, recite the Pledge of Allegiance, and observe a Moment of Silence.  To the extent items may be included on any School Committee agenda, said agenda shall follow the following order of business, as applicable, unless in the discretion of the Chair, a different order of business is appropriate:

Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence
  1. Routine Business
    1. Review of agenda
    2. Payment of Bills
    3. Payroll
    4. FHS Student Representative Comments
    5. Superintendent’s Report
  2. Guests/Presentations
  3. Discussion/Action Items
  4. Discussion Only Items
  5. Information Matters
School Committee Sub-Committee Reports
School Committee Liaison Reports
  1. Consent Agenda
Approval of Minutes
  1. Citizen’s Comment
  2. New Business
To discuss any future agenda items
  1. Executive Session
  2. Adjournment

The content of the agendas for regular and special meetings shall be developed by the Chair in consultation with the Superintendent of Schools at least 72 hours prior to the preparation of the final agenda.  Members who want to submit items for the agenda shall notify the Chair or Superintendent during the New Business section of a regular school committee meeting or no later than five days preceding the next scheduled meeting.  The mechanics of the agenda are at the discretion of the Chair and Superintendent.  The agenda and all supporting material will be delivered to each member at least four days prior to the scheduled meeting.

The Chair may reorganize the placement of Citizen’s Comments within the agenda, per Policy BEDH - Public Participation.


CROSS REFS.:           BEDH - Public Participation

Reviewed; Revised; Adopted by School Committee:  9/12/17
Reviewed; Revised:  6/4/19
Reviewed; Revised; Adopted by School Committee:  10/15/19
Reviewed; no revisions:  1/21/2021
Reviewed; Revised; Adopted by School Committee: 3/22/22