BCG-E - Policy Manual Review Procedure

File:  BCG-E


Policy Manual Review Procedure

Policy subcommittee members will read each policy, discuss and make one of the following determinations:

REVIEWED:  NO REVISION – This indicated that the policy reviewed had no changes and was not sent on to the full School Committee

REVIEWED:  REVISED – This indicates that the policy only had minor changes such as typographical issues.  The changes were so minor that it was not necessary to send the policy to the full School Committee.

REVIEWED:  REVISED & ADOPTED – This indicates that the subcommittee found that substantive changes needed to be made.  Therefore the subcommittee forwards the policy onto the full Committee for first and second reading and acceptance.

After the review process is complete, each policy will be dated with one of the Revision labels above.

Reviewed; revised 7/29/08
Reviewed; revised 6/16/15
Reviewed; no revisions 6/4/19