ADA - School District Goals and Objectives

File: ADA
School District Goals and Objectives
The School Committee endorses long term strategic planning as a means of establishing system-wide goals and objectives.   A strategic plan establishes the vision, mission, and core values of the Franklin Public School District and informs educational decisions.
The School Committee is responsible for initiating an inclusive process.  Membership on the Strategic Planning Committee includes representation from a broad cross section of the at-large Franklin community, as well as student, parent, teacher, School Committee member, and administrative representation.
When the plan is developed, it is to be presented to the School Committee for adoption.  District and school improvement plans shall be in alignment with the Strategic Plan.
The superintendent will be responsible for keeping the Committee informed about progress being made toward achievement of goals and objectives of the strategic plan.  Annually the superintendent will present a formal report that addresses progress made in all goal related areas
The strategic plan shall be reestablished every 3-5 years.  One year before the expiration of the plan, efforts will be undertaken to prepare for the next cycle.


Reviewed; Revised; Adopted:  1/26/10; Reviewed; no revisions 5/3/2014