KCD-E1 - Non-Budgeted Funds Donation Form

File:  KCD-E1


Non-Budgeted Funds Donation Form


Date:           _________________________________________________


Name of Donating Organization/Individual:_____________________________


*Type of Donation


___     Field trip      


___     In-house Enrichment


___     Library


___     Supplemental Supplies


___     Supplemental Curriculum Materials


___     Scholarship/Memorial


Donation Amount _____________       Account Number _________________


Description (i.e. Third Grade field trip to Plimoth Plantation)




*All gifts, grants and bequests become school district property upon acceptance by the School Committee


Reviewed by Principal or Superintendent _____________________                                                                                                           (Signature)
Reviewed, no revisions 3/26/13
Reviewed, revised 2/24/15