JQ - Student Fees, Fines, and Charges

File: JQ


Student Fees, Fines and Charges
The School Committee recognizes the need for student fees to fund certain school activities.  It also recognizes that some students may not be able to pay these fees.  No student will be denied access into any program because of inability to pay these supplementary charges with the exception of the preschool program which requires a minimum payment.

A school may exact a fee or charge only upon School Committee approval.  The schools, however, may:

  • Charge students enrolled in certain courses for the cost of materials used in projects that will become the property of the student.
  • Charge students for caps and gowns used in graduation that will become the property of the student.
  • Charge for lost and damaged books, materials, supplies, and equipment.
All student fees and charges, both optional and required, will be described annually in the student handbook.  The notice will advise students what fees are to be paid and of the penalties for their failure to pay.  Permissible penalties include denial of participation in extra class activities while the student is enrolled in this District.
Any fee or charge due to any school in the District and not paid at the end of the school year will  be carried forward to the next succeeding school year, and as such, these debts are considered to be debts of the student to the District and not to a particular school.


Reviewed; revised 8/7/12
Reviewed; revised 11/1/14
Reviewed, revised 6/5/18