JII - Student Complaints and Grievances

File:  JII
Student Complaints and Grievances
Students and their parent(s)/guardian(s) who believe that the students have received unfair treatment in the form of disciplinary action in the form of exclusion from school, specifically suspensions of ten (10) days or greater, consecutively or cumulatively in one school year, or expulsion will have the right to appeal to the Superintendent in accordance with state law.  Any applicable provisions of the Massachusetts General Laws or federal law will be followed by school officials in conducting hearings and reviews of student grievances.
For suspensions or exclusions under M.G.L. Chapter 37H, 37H1/2 or 37 H 3/4, the Student may appeal the Principal’s decision to the Superintendent and the Superintendent’s decision shall be the final decision with no right to appeal to the School Committee
LEGAL REF.:     M.G.L. 76:17 and M.G.L. c. 37H and 37H1/2 and 37H 3/4
Reviewed, revised, adopted by School Committee 3/26/13
Reviewed; Revised; Adopted by School Committee:  7/15/2014
Reviewed; revised:  10/4/16