GBI - Political Activities of Staff

File: GBI

Political Activities of Staff

No member of the Franklin Public School staff, by rule or regulation, shall be restricted from signing nomination papers, petitioning the general court or appearing before its committees, to the extent that such rights, except voting, are not exercised on the school premises during school hours, or when their exercise would actually interfere with the performance of school duties.  Likewise, no staff member will be dismissed or disciplined for conducting the aforementioned political activities.

The School Committee recognizes that employees of the school system have the same fundamental civic responsibilities and privileges as other citizens.  Among these are campaigning for an elected public office and holding an elected or appointed office.

In connection with campaigning, an employee will not: use school system facilities, equipment or supplies; discuss their campaign with school personnel, students, or community members during the working day; use any time during the working day for campaigning purposes.  Under no circumstances, will students be pressured into campaigning for any staff member.

Public employees are prohibited under state law from soliciting funds for political campaigns.

REF: MASC - Updated 2022
 Cross Ref: INJDD - Social Media Policy
LEGAL REF.:  M.G.L. 55:11-13; 71:44
Reviewed; Revised; Adopted by School Committee:  11/18/2014
Reviewed; Revised; Adopted by School Committee:  1/24/2023