ECDC Now Enrolling for Fall 2018

The Franklin Public Schools ECDC Preschool Program now Enrolling for Fall 2018... Lottery to held on February 28th!

Applications now available on the ECDC Principal Page blog and on the ECDC School website.

The F.X. O’Regan Early Childhood Development Center (@FranklinECDC) is committed to offering preschoolers here in Franklin an opportunity for high quality developmentally appropriate learning in an environment that encourages diversity, cooperation and understanding. Our building and our curriculum have been designed to meet the complex needs of students with and without disabilities and help them develop the necessary readiness skills to prepare them for kindergarten. Our curriculum is aligned with the MA state frameworks for Literacy, Math and Social Emotional Development as well as the NAEYC standards for teaching and learning. Our teachers are highly qualified public school certified in early childhood, special education or a combination of both specialties.

Students who enroll attend ECDC participate in our “integrated” preschool model. In these language-based classrooms, children of all ability levels, with and without identified special needs, are taught together in an environment that nurtures peers as partners in learning. Research has proven that linking children of varying ability levels actually enhances the growth and development of all the children. Each of our classrooms maintains a low class size, maxing out with 15 students, with a Massachusetts certified teacher and at least one highly qualified educational assistant.

Franklin residents who turn 3 by August 31st are eligible to register for the integrated preschool program at ECDC.

Families interested in scheduling a tour at ECDC can call the main office @ (508) 541-8166 to contact Kelty Kelley, ECDC Principal via email.