Mass Notification Archive

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2024-2025 School Year


Sent 12/19/2024 to all 11th grade families-a letter from the Class Advisors:


Dear Class of 2026 families and friends, 

Happiest of holidays from the Class of 2026 advisors and class officers! We reach out to, again, thank you for your support via the recent Lyman pie and cookie dough fundraiser, which helped to generate funds to defray the cost of upcoming prom expenses and, looking ahead, senior week related costs. As we continue attempts to keep these time honored events affordable, we seek to offer more fundraising opportunities - in fact, as many of you know, we are running one right now. 

The Class of 2026 is currently selling raffle calendars! 

For the full month of December, members of the class of 2026 are selling raffle calendars that afford purchasers the opportunity to win prizes in the month of January; a copy of the calendar offerings is linked here. Each day, we will draw the name of someone who bought a raffle ticket. Lucky chosen ones might win a Jersey Mike’s catering box, a $150 Luciano’s gift card, or a gift card to some of our tried and true favorites like Chipotle, Dunkin Donuts, Five Guys, Doordash and more! Tickets are $25 and can be purchased via this link

But there’s more… Students who sell ten or more tickets will earn a free prom ticket! 

Please spread the word, help your students sell raffle calendars, and act soon, as sales end 12/31. As ever, the Class of 2026 class officers and advisors appreciate your support. Please reach out to Colleen Gordon at or Shelly Laquinta at with any questions. Be well and Happy New Year. 


The Class of 2026 leadership team


Sent 12/18/2024 to all FHS Families, the Principal's December update:

December, 2024

Dear Franklin High School Families,

As we approach this time of year, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for the wonderful students, parents, and staff who make our school community so special. I hope the upcoming winter break gives your students time to relax, recharge, and enjoy moments with their loved ones. We look forward to welcoming our students back in the new year!

Here are some reminders and helpful information:

December Break: No school December 23-January 1. Happy Holidays to those who celebrate! 

Recent Highlights: Several students from our music programs have been accepted into this year's Sr. Central District Honor Ensembles! Three of our coaches were named Coach of the Year by the MIAA for their character, service, leadership, and coaching. Lisa Burger (Unified Track), CJ Neely (Boys Basketball), and Jessica Pridham (former Swim coach) received this honor. Lots of clubs and athletic teams have participated in various community service opportunities. To prep for our upcoming pep rally on the 20th, the student government created this hype video with some of our staff.

Drop Off/Pick Up: Your students have asked me to remind parents/guardians NOT to enter the parking lots during arrival and dismissal time. PLEASE use the drop-off/pick-up loops only. Our lots are congested during these times and our inexperienced student drivers need to navigate their entrance and exit safely without parents blocking their way. We have close to 500 student drivers entering and leaving our school daily, in addition to almost 200 staff members. Also please remember to pull all the way up in the loop. Thank you for your cooperation with this. 

Weather Transportation Advisory: Please remind your drivers to give themselves extra time to travel to school on those wintry-mix mornings. School begins at 7:35 and our students’ safety is a priority. 

Forgotten items reminder: Items can be placed on the table inside the doors of the main entrance. Students will only be allowed to retrieve these items during passing time or their lunch. FPS is not responsible for lost or damaged items. Medications should NOT be left in the vestibule. Please bring them into the main office. 

For information about other upcoming events and news, please view the Franklin High School website, the most recent FHS student newsletter, and the archive of our mass communications.


Maria Weber

Principal, Franklin High School


Sent 12/16/2024 to all FHS Students regarding the Pep Rally on 12/20/2024:

Hello FHS Students,

The winter Pep Rally is approaching quickly and to participate in any of the activities this Friday 12/20/24 you must sign up through the form link at the bottom of this email.

There will be a wide variety of games offered including dodgeball, musical chairs, a new relay race activity, and tug of war which you won't want to miss! This new relay race would involve a team from each grade racing across the gym in different fashions including running, sweeping a snowball across the gym and pulling one player on an inflatable tube.

REMEMBER to wear your class color on Friday as well: Seniors = Carolina Blue, Juniors = White, Sophomores = Navy Blue, and Freshmen = Grey.

Also, new this year, the pep rally will be a competition between the four classes so make sure to sign up your best classmates in order to ensure the win for your class!

You don't want to miss participating in the pep rally! Sign up today!

Thank you,

Student Government Officers


Sent 12/11/2024 to all 9th, 10th, and 11th grade families re: parent info meeting about 2026 school tours in Hawaii and Japan:

Dear FHS families,

You and your student are invited to join us to learn about the upcoming educational travel experiences to Japan and Hawaii during February and April break 2026 respectively! 

Meeting details:
Date: Monday, 12/16/24
Time: 7-8 PM Location: FHS Cafeteria - use the community entrance

All information covered: itinerary, activities, dates, academic opportunities, cost, and EF’s risk-free enrollment period.

RSVPing is not the same as signing up for the trip nor is there any financial commitment. Attendance is not required in order to attend the trips. However, spots are awarded on a first come, first served basis and there is a discount for signing up the night of the meeting. 

There are limited spots on these trips, so we would love to have you attend this meeting to learn more about this exciting opportunity.



Sent 12/4/2024 to all FHS Families regarding School Photo Retake Day on 12/11/24

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Hello FHS Families,

SCHOOL PHOTO RETAKE DAY is next Wednesday, 12/11/2024

Your student should be bringing home their school photos today. They were distributed during the Advisory period this morning. They will bring home a packet containing either a photo proof page, or a photo package, if you ordered one. If they did not get a packet, have them see their Advisory teacher. If they did not have their photo taken on the school photo days there will not be a packet for them.

FHS will be holding a school photo retake day on Wednesday, December 11th.

Who is this retake day for?

·  Anyone who did not have their photo taken on school photo day due to absence (or other reasons) and wants to have it taken; this includes new students that enrolled after school photo days.

·  Anyone that is not happy with their photo, should bring the packet with them to give to the photographer at the retake.

If your student wants to have their photo taken on retake day, please click HERE to let us know, so we can manage the number of photos that will be taken that day.

If you would like to order a package from G & B before or after photo retake day, please click HERE.  Click on the Pre-Order button to place an order. Use this code: 8B3Z5V9V

You are under NO obligation to purchase anything from G & B.

Thank you,

FHS Administration


Sent 12/3/2024 to all Senior Families regarding - it is time to order Caps and Gowns for Graduation

Hello Senior Families,

It is time to order your student's Graduation cap and gown from Jostens.

Please order your student's cap and gown by December 22nd in order to avoid a late fee.

Click HERE to view all cap and gown packages and place your order.

Caps and Gowns will be shipped to the school and will be distributed to students on Senior Sign Out Day, which is the Friday prior to Graduation.

Please contact Jostens with any order related questions at: or by phone at: (888) 248-9084

Thank you,

Class of 2025 Advisors:
Nicholas Bailey and Amy Mulcahy


Sent 12/3/2024 to all Junior Parents/Guardians: A reminder of Post Secondary Planning Webinar on Thurs, 12/5:

Hello Parents/Guardians of the Class of 2026,

This is a reminder of the Parent/Guardian Post Secondary Planning Information Webinar scheduled for this Thursday, December 5th at 6 PM via Zoom. Information on how to access the webinar is below:

 Please note:  For those with conflicts - this webinar will be recorded and posted to the Guidance website. 

Zoom webinar
When: Dec 5, 2024 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Junior Parent Night
Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Passcode: 984328

Or One tap mobile :

*984328# US (Washington DC)

*984328# US
Or Telephone:
    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
    +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
    +1 305 224 1968 US
    +1 309 205 3325 US
    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
    +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
    +1 646 931 3860 US
    +1 386 347 5053 US
    +1 507 473 4847 US
    +1 564 217 2000 US
    +1 669 444 9171 US
    +1 689 278 1000 US
    +1 719 359 4580 US
    +1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)
    +1 253 205 0468 US
    +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
    +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
    +1 360 209 5623 US
Webinar ID: 852 9353 0340
Passcode: 984328
    International numbers available:


Sent 11/26/2024 to all 10th grade Families regarding upcoming Guidance meetings with students:

Hello Families of 10th grade students,

Guidance Counselors will be working with sophomore students during the month of December on career exploration topics. These meetings will take place in small groups, during one of their directed studies between Dec. 4 -Dec. 13. Please remind your student to check their school email for information on when/where their meetings will take place. Counselors will email them two days prior to their scheduled meeting time.

Thank you,

FHS Guidance Department


Sent 11/25/2024 to all FHS Families regarding the Thanksgiving Gratitude Challenge:

I wanted to take a moment to share a new tradition that we have started at FHS called the Thanksgiving Gratitude Challenge. Led by our student government, advisory teachers and classes were given copies of turkey feather cut-outs and over the course of one week, were asked to write messages of gratitude on them. Members of the student government gathered the “feathers” and added them to our large school community turkey currently displayed in our main hallway entrance. Personally, I was overwhelmed by the sincere responses from our high school students as hundreds of them took a moment to reflect and write messages of gratitude for their parents, grandparents, siblings, teachers, and other things that are important to them. Over 2000 messages were collected.

Here are some memorable quotes:

I am grateful for…

  • …school that gives me so many opportunities to grow

  • …my mom for driving me places

  • …my dad for always being there for me

  • …the beautiful world and animals everywhere

  • …my grandpa …my nana …my family …my younger brother …my cousins

  •  …friends …my home …books …music …volleyball … dog …my cat …food

  • … hockey… my dance team… music…the beach …technology …my car 

  • …patience and kind teaching

  • …for first responders

  • …my education …my culture …my health …school

  • …being able to laugh every day

  • …my home and what it has to offer (warmth, protection, etc)

  • …the sports I play and the opportunities I have

  • …my parents’ support

Of course, several students also expressed their gratitude for Starbucks and TikTok but these responses were far outnumbered by messages about people and experiences. 

In the spirit of these messages, we would also like to share our heartfelt gratitude to the families in our community for the support they provide all of us here at Franklin High School. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Maria Weber, Principal  
The Admin Team, and FHS Faculty and Staff


Sent 11/22/2024 to all FH Families regarding a bottle and can drive fundraiser for Class of 2025:

Hello FHS Families,

The Class of 2025 will be holding a bottle and can drive this holiday season to raise money for our Senior Week Activities.

You can donate your aluminum or plastic carbonated beverage containers by either dropping them off at school or arranging a pick up (in Franklin) on one of the designated dates.

Use THIS LINK to schedule a pick up for your bottles and cans.

If you have any questions please reach out to the Class of 2025 Advisors Mr. Bailey or Ms. Mulcahy.

Thank you for supporting the Class of 2025!


Sent 11/19/2024 to all Junior Class Families regarding a Parent Information Night-Post Secondary Planning on December 5th:

Good Afternoon Parents/Guardians of the Class of 2026,

To help frame the next few months as it relates to Post Secondary Planning, the FHS Guidance Department will be hosting a Parent Information Webinar on Thursday evening, December 5th at 6:00pm through Zoom. Information on how to access the webinar is below:

 Please note:  For those with conflicts - this webinar will be recorded and posted to the Guidance website. 

You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Dec 5, 2024 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Junior Parent Night

Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 984328

Or One tap mobile :
    +13017158592,,85293530340#,,,,*984328# US (Washington DC)
    +13052241968,,85293530340#,,,,*984328# US
Or Telephone:
    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
    +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
    +1 305 224 1968 US
    +1 309 205 3325 US
    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
    +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
    +1 646 931 3860 US
    +1 386 347 5053 US
    +1 507 473 4847 US
    +1 564 217 2000 US
    +1 669 444 9171 US
    +1 689 278 1000 US
    +1 719 359 4580 US
    +1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)
    +1 253 205 0468 US
    +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
    +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
    +1 360 209 5623 US
Webinar ID: 852 9353 0340
Passcode: 984328
International numbers available:


Sent 11/18/2024 to class of 2026 Families regarding the Lyman Orchards fundraiser:


Dear FHS Class of 2026 Families, 

Thank you for supporting the FHS Class of 2026 by participating in the Lyman Orchards Pie and Cookie Dough fundraiser. It is almost time to pick up your order! 

Products will be available for pick up on Tuesday, 11/26 from 1:15pm- 3:00pm in the FHS Library. Please come to the Main FHS entrance and enter the library door on the left, where we will be set up for you to quickly get your items so that you can distribute them to your buyers. (If you would like your student to pick up your order, please simply send them in with a copy of your receipt - a picture on their phone will suffice). Please be mindful that our parking lots and pick-up lines are very crowded between 1:50pm -2:20pm each day, so please plan accordingly. 

Also please note that if you are looking to keep the pies and cookie dough frozen, they will need to be placed in the freezer by 5 pm.

We will be in touch with anyone who earned the free prom ticket incentive - great work to those students! Please reach out to Shelly Laquina at and Colleen Gordon at with any questions or concerns. 


Shelly Laquinta and Colleen Gordon

FHS Class of 2026 advisors


Sent 11/15/2024 to all FHS Families-A November update from Principal Weber:

November, 2024

Dear Franklin High School Families,

November brings lots of excitement to FHS! Quarter 1 comes to a close, clubs are actively meeting, athletic teams are in the playoffs, our theatre program completed its first show, musical performances are showcasing our students' talents, and more! Here is some news and information to keep you informed.

Winter Athletics: Family ID is now open for winter sports registration. You must be registered and have a valid physical on file on or before November 21st. All winter sports start on December 2nd. Contact Susan Jacobson,, with any questions.

Thanksgiving Break: No school November 27-29. Enjoy time with family and friends!

School Photos: The make-up day is December 11th. 

Dismissal reminder and protocol: Please contact your student’s house office by phone or email. Click here to learn how to find this information. Whenever possible, please arrange for dismissals in advance. 

Forgotten items reminder: Items can be placed on the table inside the doors of the main entrance. Students will only be allowed to retrieve these items during passing time or their lunch. FPS is not responsible for lost or damaged items. Medications can be brought into the main office. 

Budget Priorities Survey: As we continue to develop our school budget, we are providing an opportunity for you to provide feedback on the Franklin Public Schools budget planning development. The district is excited to launch a Stakeholder Budget Survey to gather your insights through a more inclusive budget development process. 

Important forms: Please fill out these (3) mandatory online forms if you haven’t done so already.

Nurse Emergency Form    Student Release Form    Handbook Receipt Form

Nurse Update: Please read this health advisory.

Thank you to the PCC and all who donated to the Fuel Up Station for the staff and teachers during parent-teacher conferences!

For information about other upcoming events and news, please view the Franklin High School website, the most recent student newsletter, and the archive of our mass communications.


Maria Weber

Principal, Franklin High School


Sent 11/14/2024-Sent to all FHS Families- A reminder that Winter Sports Registration closes Thursday, November 21st:

FHS Families,

This is just a reminder that registration for Winter Sports on > < closes at 11pm on Thursday 11/21/24. 

All try-outs/practices will begin on Monday December 2nd. 

Your student must be registered and provide a copy of a valid physical in order to start on Monday 12/2/24.  

Thank You,

FHS Athletic Department


Sent 11/14/2024 to all FHS Families - Your Voice Matters: Shape the Future of Franklin Public Schools

Hello FHS Families,

Please click HERE to read a letter from the Franklin Public School District asking you to express your opinions by completing their Stakeholder Budget Survey. A link to the survey can be found in the letter.

Thank you,

FHS Administration


Sent 11/10/2024 to all FHS Families regarding PCC Fuel Up Snack Station for teachers during Parent Conferences:

Good Morning FHS Families,

Teacher Conferences start next Thursday 11/14 as does the Fuel-Up Snack Station that the PCC has planned for the teachers. 

We are still in need of many items for this event.  Please see our Amazon Wish List to purchase items or make a direct donation via PayPal.

Additionally, if you are interested in joining our Hospitality Team, please email

Thank you!



Sent 11/6/2024 to all FHS Families-Winter Sports Registration is now open:

FHS Families,

This is a reminder that Winter Sports Registration is now open on FamilyID.

Franklin High School is pleased to offer the following sports for the Winter 2024-2025 season:

  • Boys Indoor Track

  • Girls Indoor Track

  • Boys Ice Hockey

  • Girls Ice Hockey

  • Boys Basketball

  • Girls Basketball

  • Boys Swimming

  • Girls Swimming

  • Winter Cheerleading

  • Wrestling

  • Gymnastics


• All student-athletes MUST turn in a copy of their physical signed by their physician. Physicals are good for 13 months. Physicals should be turned in to the Athletic office no later than November 21st

• Fees for all sports will be due the week of December 16th.Checks may be brought to the Athletic Office. If you were approved this school year for the Franklin School District's free/reduced lunch program and are requesting financial assistance, you may email Sue Jacobson in the Athletic Office at:

Register for winter Sports >> HERE (registration is open until November 21st)


When registration has been completed, you will receive an email confirmation letter from Family ID. Please note that paying the athletic fee on Unibank alone is not registering.  Family ID and Unibank are separate.  Family ID is our registration portal and Unibank is our payment portal.


Sent 11/5/2024 to all FHS Families-some updates from the FHS PCC:

Hello FHS Families - A few important updates from the PCC...

TEACHER & STAFF FUEL UP EVENT / HOSPITALITY NEWS- The next PCC sponsored event for our FHS Teachers is being held on the afternoon of November 14th.  We'll be setting up a Fuel-Up Station with lots of snacks and treats for the teachers to enjoy in between teaching the 1/2 day and parent conferences that afternoon and evening.  An > Amazon Wish List has been set up for this event -please check it out. We are also asking for >  Paypal donations to be used to purchase those items not available through Amazon. And last we'd love to add to our Hospitality Team - if you are interested in joining us, please email us at:

TRIBUTE TO OUR VETERANS - The PCC would like to give our FHS families the opportunity to acknowledge any veterans in their lives. If you would like to honor a veteran, please complete this > Submission Form no later than 11/8/2024. We'll create a slideshow to be shared on all of our social media feeds as our way of saying Thank YOu to the veterans in our FHS Community. **Please note, This project does not represent any political positions of the FHS PCC, Franklin High School, or the Franklin Public School District. Participation is 10% optional. 

PCC RAFFLE WINNER - Congratulations to Katie Donigan our PCC Survey Raffle Winner (and recipient of a FHS Yeti Tumbler and $100 Amazon Gift Card)!  Our thanks to everyone who shared their feedback by completing the survey.

 MEETING MINUTES - Minutes from our PCC Meeting on October 16th can be found > HERE.  Thank you to Dr. Weber, Mrs. Reid, and Mr. Walsh for joining us and addressing so many of our parents' questions and concerns.

Thank you!



Sent 11/1/2024 to all FHS Families regarding Parent Conference Sign Up:

FHS Parents/Guardians,

We are looking forward to our upcoming Parent/Teacher Conferences scheduled to be in-person on November 14th from 11:30 am-2:20 pm and 5:30 pm-7:30 pm, and virtually on November 15th from 11:30 am-2:20 pm.  Please note that these are early release days for students.

We will be using this 2024 Conference Sign-up website for in-person and virtual conference bookings. For assistance, please watch this video that explains How to Sign-up for Conferences at FHS.  You will learn how to book a time and in which room the conference will take place, or how to access the virtual meeting link. The deadline to sign up for a conference slot is November 13th. If you have any questions about how to use the conference booking website, email They will respond during school hours. 

Since we have a limited number of time slots, some teachers' schedules fill up quickly. If you are unable to schedule a conference with a specific teacher, please reach out to that teacher via email to schedule a phone call or a meeting at another time.

In between conferences, you are welcome to browse the library and meet our librarian. You will also find our school adjustment counselors there with some resources about mental health. Also, please visit our school store located on the 1st floor near the library. 

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you then!

FHS Administration


Sent 10/28/2024 to all families of students taking AP courses this year-reminder to pay for AP Exams:

Good morning families of students currently taking AP courses,

This is a reminder that the payment portal for AP Exams is open and will close just before midnight this Friday, November 1st.

If you have already paid for your student’s AP Exam(s), no further action is necessary

If you still need to pay for your student's AP exams, please click > HERE to be taken to the Unibank payment portal.

 Thank you,

Guidance Department


Sent 10/24/2024 to Senior families regarding a fundraiser for the Class of 2025

Hello Class of 2025 Families,

Please support the Class of 2025 and get yourself and your student some great looking Class of 2025 apparel.

There are lots of styles to choose from, including Class of 2025 Senior Mom & Senior Dad items. Click THIS LINK to shop!

This fundraiser is open until November 4th

Thank You, 

The Class of 2025 Advisors:

Nick Bailey and Amy Mulcahy


Sent via text on 10/14/2024 to all FHS Families-a reminder for students to complete the clubs sign-up form:

In an effort to reinstate some club offerings, please remind your student to complete the 2024-25 FHS CLUBS SIGN UP FORM. This form is due by 10/16.


Sent 10/11/2024 to all FHS Families-October Principal's update:

Dear Franklin High School Families,

As we transition to October, students have shown progress in their academic and social growth here at FHS. Our students continue to impress us daily! Here is some news and information to keep you informed.

Parent Conferences: Conferences will take place on November 14th from 11:30 am - 2:20 pm and 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm in person and on the 15th from 11:30 am-2:20 pm virtually. More detailed information about parent conferences will be shared in a separate communication. The portal to sign up for a conference slot will open on November 1st. 

School Council: The council’s responsibility is to advise the principal about school matters, review the budget, review the student handbook, and help develop the school improvement plan. If you, as a parent/guardian are interested in being a part of this council, please complete this form. Five meetings will occur between November and May at Franklin High School from 3:00 pm -4:00 pm, dates TBD.

Safety News: At this point, we have successfully practiced our Lockdown and Fire Drill procedures. Students can expect another drill in the upcoming months. 

School Photos: Students in grades 9-12 will have their pictures taken on October 29th or 30th (depending on their schedule). The make-up day is December 11th. Every student will have their picture taken, regardless of whether an order is placed, for our school ID system. Information about ordering packages will be posted on the FHS website when it becomes available.

Club Update: To reinstate clubs that were discontinued due to the failed override vote, they will need to be self-funded. Students were given this form to commit to the club(s) of their choice. This form also requires confirmation of payment. Thank you for your patience as our team works diligently to get as many clubs up and running as possible.

Community Service Requirement Update: The FHS Program of Studies originally stated that community service hours are a graduation requirement for the class of 2028. This will not be a requirement at this time. *Please note that community service hours may still be a requirement for various extracurricular memberships. 

Message from the PCC: Thank you to all who contributed to the breakfast for faculty following Curriculum Night. The PCC will be hosting a Fuel Up Station for the staff and teachers during parent-teacher conferences. Donations are needed to stock this event and can be made via Paypal or through our Amazon Wish List.  They are also seeking a few volunteers to help.   Also, please join us for the first PCC meeting of the year on October 16th at 7:00 PM at Franklin High School. CLICK HERE for more news from the PCC.

For information about other upcoming events and news, please view the Franklin High School website, the most recent student newsletter, and the archive of our mass communications.


Maria Weber

Principal, Franklin High School


Sent 10/1/2024 to all Seniors and families regarding the yearbook portrait deadline:

Hello Senior families,

Just a brief reminder that all senior portraits and any baby pictures you want to submit to the yearbook are due this Friday October 4th.

For information on yearbook portrait and baby photo specs and how to upload them, click HERE

Thank you,

Alyssa Taranto, Yearbook Advisor


Sent 9/30/2024 to all FHS Families-a reminder of tomorrow's Curriculum Night:

Reminder: FHS Curriculum Night is tomorrow, Oct. 1st, from 6:00-8:00 PM. Please bring your student's schedule. Begin in their ADVISORY classroom first.


Sent 9/25/224 to all 10th grade families regarding PSAT availability for sophomores:

Good afternoon Parents/Guardians of FHS Sophomores,

As you may be aware, FHS will be hosting the PSAT's on Saturday, October 26th. While this test is designed for Juniors, we may have a limited number of tests available to Sophomores.  

Before registering your child, please consider the following:  

  •  Is your child interested in taking the exam (Saturday morning 7:30am-12:00pm)?

    • Disinterested students tend to underperform and not yield an accurate picture of their ability.

  • Is it an appropriate time to take the test from an academic standpoint? (Students who have completed an Algebra 2 course, as well as those having strong vocabulary and reading comprehension skills, tend to do better on this exam). 

    • Students who are not prepared often walk away feeling disappointed or lack confidence in their ability to manage the test in future years.

If your child is interested in taking the test, please register your interest by clicking >> here << by the close of school (2:30pm), Monday, September 30th. A lottery system will be used should we receive more registration requests than we have tests. Please remember, this registration request does not guarantee a spot at this point. 

You will receive an email confirmation by the middle of next week if your child's registration request is selected and payment ($40 check made out to The Town of Franklin ) will be required no later than Monday, October 7th. 

More communication will follow next week to those students who express an interest.  

Thank you,

FHS Guidance


Sent 9/24/24 to all Junior Families regarding a fundraiser for the Class of 2026:

Hello Class of 2026 Families,

Please click HERE for a letter from your child's Class Advisors, Ms. Gordon and Ms. Laquinta regarding a Lyman Orchards Pie and Cookie Dough Fundraiser the class of 2026 will be participating in from October 1 through October 18th.

  • Click HERE for a flyer of this fundraiser.

Thank you,

Class of 2026 Advisors:

Colleen Gordon and Shelly Williams Laquinta


Sent 9/24/2024 to all FHS Families-A reminder of next week's FHS Curriculum Night:

Good Morning FHS Families,

This is a reminder that FHS Curriculum Night is next Tuesday, October 1st from 6:00 to 8:00 PM.

Click here for a more in depth explanation of the evening and a schedule for you to follow.

We hope to see you then,

FHS Administration


Sent 9/23/2024 to all FHS Families regarding a PCC Sponsored Teacher Breakfast on October 2nd:

Dear FHS Families,

The PCC is hosting breakfast for our teachers and staff on Wednesday, October 2nd (the morning after Curriculum Night), but we will need a lot of support to make it happen.

Please check out our :


if you would like to make a donation.  

Many Thanks,



Sent 9/18/2024 to all FHS Families-a Clubs and Activities update:

Dear FHS Families,

Over the past few months, our school and district administration has been examining the budget that was approved after the failed override vote and its impact on our building this year.  Initially, it was determined that the budget would not support running any student clubs and activities at all this year.  Shortly thereafter, the district received a one-time allocation of additional funding which allowed for a certain number of clubs to run. This list was shared in August. Since then, many students, families, club advisors, and other stakeholders expressed disappointment that the clubs in which they had invested time and energy over the past few years would not continue this year. 

In an effort to provide extracurricular opportunities to as many students as possible, we will be exploring whether it will be possible for additional clubs to run as self-funded groups for this school year.  A message with details about next steps, including a request that students complete a Google form, will be sent out early next week to students and staff. We will analyze the results to determine whether the clubs with interest can run on a self-funded basis based on the club fee collected, the stipend associated with that club, and other related costs. We greatly appreciate everyone's patience and understanding as we attempt to arrive at a fair, fiscally sound solution.

Thank you,

FHS Administration


Sent 9/16/24 to the Class of 2026 Families regarding PSAT registration:

PSAT/NMSQT Information for Class of 2026

The PSAT/NMSQT will be given at Franklin High School on Saturday, October 26, 2024, from 7:30-11:00am (approx).

Members of the Class of 2026 at Franklin High School are eligible to take the PSAT/NMSQT exam. This is NOT a required test, rather a recommended test if your child plans to explore four year college after graduation. If you have questions about whether your child should participate, please reach out to their guidance counselor.  

  • The PSAT is a digital test. More information will follow for those who register to take the test.

  • There is no makeup date for the PSAT - this is a National Test Date and will only be offered on October 26th. Students who are unable to take it on     this day can participate in varied free online practice tests through the College Board. 

  • There is a $40 fee to take the exam.  Students must register online with Unibank (see link below) to reserve a test.

  • Online registration will begin Monday, September 16th and will end on Monday, September 23rd.  

  • Please register your 11th grade student for the PSAT by clicking HERE

  • Students who receive free/reduced lunch may register through their guidance counselor.

More information about the PSAT/NMSQT can be found here. 

Please reach out to your child's guidance counselor with any questions.


Sent 9/16/24 to all Senior Families regarding -the Post Secondary Planning Webinar follow up:

Hello Class of 2025 Families,

For those that were unable to attend the Post Secondary Planning Webinar held on 9/12/2024, HERE is a link to the slideshow that was shown.

Thank you,

FHS Guidance


Sent 9/13/2024 to all FHS Families, a September update from our Principal Dr. Weber:

September, 2024

Dear Franklin High School Families,

I hope this message finds you well! Things are in full swing here at Franklin High School. Students are settling into their routines and faculty are moving forward with the curriculum. I wanted to provide you with some updates and information.

Curriculum Night: Curriculum Night will be held on October 1, 2024, beginning at 6:00 pm and ending at 8:00 pm.  Please click here for more detailed information.

Message from the PCC: The PCC will be hosting breakfast the morning after Curriculum Night for our teachers and staff.  To donate baked goods and other items for this event please check out the Sign Up Genius and Amazon Wish List sponsored by the PCC.

For information about other upcoming events and news, please view the Franklin High School website and the most recent student newsletter.

Cell phone policy update: Teachers are reporting that students are doing a great job meeting our expectations. We have heard minimal complaints from students and there has been a noticeable shift in engagement during instructional periods. There has also been less traffic in the hallways during class periods and fewer unnecessary trips to the bathrooms. 

Club Update: As previously communicated, the number of club offerings has been reduced this year due to the failed override. This is unfortunate and we hope to bring them back to FHS if the budget allows. Many students have asked us about this.

Parent Loop:  There has been a significant increase in parents using the drop-off and pick-up loops rather than using the parking lots. THANK YOU! Students may now use their ID to enter through the doors near the tennis courts to make that drop-off point more convenient. 


Maria Weber

Principal, Franklin High School


Sent 9/11/24 to all Class of 2028 Families and students-a Welcome and other information:

Dear Class of 2028 Students and Families,

Welcome to the beginning of an exciting journey at Franklin High School! We are thrilled to have you join our vibrant community and are eager to share some fantastic events and opportunities with you. Dr. Brear and I (Ms. Quigley) are the Advisors for the Class of 2028, and we are dedicated to ensuring that your high school experience is enjoyable, rewarding, and fun!

As we kick off the school year, we want to highlight a few key events coming up for the Class of 2028:

Homecoming 9/20: Get ready for a fun-filled celebration of school spirit and tradition! Homecoming is just around the corner, and we have a series of engaging activities planned for you.

Homecoming Float & Parade 9/20: This year, we are excited to be creating a Homecoming float that will be featured in the Homecoming Parade. The parade will take place on September 20th, and we need your help to make it a memorable one!

Assistance Needed 9/20: To bring our Homecoming float to life, we need a truck (and, if possible, a trailer) to help transport and display our float. Decorating will take place on September 20th from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm, and the truck will be used to drive the float around the track at halftime during the game. We are looking for volunteers who can provide a truck and, ideally, a trailer for this purpose. If you are able to assist, please let us know by 9/13!

Class Officer Elections (October): Excitement is in the air as we gear up for our upcoming Class Officer Elections! This is your chance to be part of shaping the future of our school community. Whether you’re a student eager to step into a leadership role or a family member ready to support your candidate, we want everyone to get involved and make their voices heard. Stay tuned for more information on this in the coming weeks!

Your support and involvement are crucial to the success of these events, and we greatly appreciate any help you can offer. If you have any questions or can volunteer a truck or trailer, please contact Ms. Quigley at or Dr. Brear at

We look forward to celebrating with you and making this Homecoming an unforgettable experience for the Class of 2028!

Best regards,

Ms. Quigley & Dr. Brear
Class of 2028 Advisors


Sent 9/4/2024 to all FHS Families regarding traffic patterns at FHS:

Dear FHS Families:

School is in full swing! Our hallways are buzzing with energy from students and staff. This means that our parking lots are also full!

Please remember to use the two drop-off/pick-up loops only. One is near the main entrance and the other is in front of the tennis courts, both accessible from Panther Way.

Also, please pull all the way forward so traffic does not get backed up. Do not drive in the bus loop, behind the school, or on the road between the athletic field and the high school. This interferes with FHS buses trying to exit, pedestrians, and the traffic patterns at Horace Mann Middle School. The safety of our students is a priority and they should be able to access the student lots or walk in and out of school without interference from cars that shouldn’t be there. Faculty should also be able to access their parking spaces without interference. We have close to 1500 people entering and exiting the building each day and these traffic patterns need to be upheld to ensure smooth and safe conditions on our campus. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.


Maria Weber

Principal, FHS


Sent 9/3/23 to all Senior Families -Post Secondary Planning Webinar information:

Good afternoon Class of 2025 Families, 

The FHS Guidance Staff will be hosting a Post Secondary Planning webinar on Thursday, September 12 at 6:00pm via ZOOM.  The following topics will be discussed:

  *  Application process

  *  Resources for students/families

* Roles/Responsibilities

   *  NCAA/Athletics

   * Financial Aid overview

The webinar will be recorded and posted to the FHS website for those who are unable to attend.  

The Zoom information is below:
When: Sep 12, 2024 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Class of 2025 Post Secondary Planning Night

Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 688077

Or One tap mobile :
    +13126266799,,81434375457#,,,,*688077# US (Chicago)
    +16465588656,,81434375457#,,,,*688077# US (New York)
Or Telephone:
    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
    +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
    +1 646 931 3860 US
    +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
    +1 305 224 1968 US
    +1 309 205 3325 US
    +1 507 473 4847 US
    +1 564 217 2000 US
    +1 669 444 9171 US
    +1 689 278 1000 US
    +1 719 359 4580 US
    +1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)
    +1 253 205 0468 US
    +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
    +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
    +1 360 209 5623 US
    +1 386 347 5053 US
Webinar ID: 814 3437 5457
Passcode: 688077
    International numbers available:

Thank you, 

FHS Guidance


Sent 8/29/23 to all Junior and Senior families regarding an upcoming student parking issue:

Due to voting being held at FHS on 9/3/24, parking will be limited and drop-off may be busier than usual. Please plan accordingly by carpooling.


Sent 8/28/24 to all FHS Families-Welcome Back:

Hello Families:

I am delighted to share that our students had a fantastic first day of school at FHS! It was wonderful to see so many smiling faces as our new and returning students began their 2024-2025 school year.

Our teachers and staff were excited to welcome everyone back and set the tone for what promises to be an engaging and successful school year. The students quickly adapted to the new cell phone policy and we expect this to continue so they can be more engaged in learning.

I would also like to thank the PCC for providing our staff with an incredible luncheon yesterday.

Thank you for your support!

Maria Weber

Principal, FHS


Sent 8/28/24 to all Fall Athletes and their families regarding tonight's Fall Athletic Night:


Welcome to the start of the 2024 Fall athletic season!!  Tonight we will kick things off with our Fall Athletic Night! 

This evening is for those student-athletes participating in a fall sport. 

All fall student-athletes are expected to be in attendance.  We encourage parents/guardians to attend as well!

The evening starts at 6:30pm in the FHS Auditorium.

Please reach out with any questions!  Thank you!


Karrah Ellis

Director of Athletics, Franklin High School


Sent 8/27/24 to all Junior Families regarding a parking lottery:

Parking Lottery

We have a small number of on-campus parking permits that have not yet been purchased by seniors.  If you registered for the rink and would prefer to move down to on-campus parking, or if you did not register for rink parking and would like to be able to have school parking rights, please fill out this form before Tuesday, September 3 at 7:00am to be included in the lottery.

Mr. Walsh will inform lottery winners by the middle of next week with details about how to register and pay.  There may be a trickle-down effect created by juniors who move to on-campus parking then opening up spots at the rink. 

Please reach out to Mr. Walsh if you have any questions or concerns at


Sent 8/22/2024 to all Seniors and Families regarding SENIOR PERKS:

FHS Senior Families,

Please CLICK HERE to read a letter from the FHS Administration regarding this year's Senior Perks.

Thank you,

FHS Administration

Dr. Maria Weber, Principal

Ms. Kristin Reid, Associate Principal

Ms. Catherine Klein, Assistant Principal

Ms. Leanne Soulard, Assistant Principal

Mr. Michael Walsh, Assistant Principal


Sent 8/22/2024 to all Seniors and Families -Last Call for on campus parking:

To the Class of 2025 and Families:

Last call for On Campus Parking!

We have about 50 spots left for any senior who did not register and pay for on-campus parking. 

We had closed the UniPay parking payments portal and Google parking registration form on August 16th, but we are re-opening both today for one more week.  The Unibank payment portal will close again at 11:59pm on Thursday, August 29th.  After that, any remaining on campus spots will be offered to juniors in a lottery. Please note the google parking registration form can only be completed by a student using their school gmail account.

To be considered for on campus parking, you must include the UniPay Confirmation Number when you fill out the Google parking registration form.

Some bad news: If you wanted to park at the rink for free, unfortunately, the rink parking lot is full.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Mr. Michael Walsh at


Sent 8/22/2024 to all Juniors and Families regarding parking update for Juniors:

Hello Class of 2026 Families:

Good news: We will be able to accommodate everyone who already registered for a parking spot at the rink by last week's deadline.

Bad news: The rink parking lot is now FULL.  If you did not register for a rink spot before August 16th, you will NOT be allowed to park there (nor on campus).

But more potential good news: In September, we may have a lottery for any interested juniors to purchase on-campus parking spots, if we still have spots available.  This will include those juniors who started the year parking at the rink.  

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Assistant Principal Mr. Michael Walsh at:


Sent 8/20/2024 to all FHS Families - A welcome back letter from FHS Principal, Dr. Maria Weber

Good Afternoon FHS Families,

Please click HERE to read a welcome back letter from the FHS Principal, Dr. Maria Weber.

Thank you,

FHS Administration


Sent 8/20/2024 to all FHS Students and Families regarding schedules:

Good afternoon FHS Students,  Families,

Schedules for the 2024-2025 school year are anticipated to be posted to ASPEN later this afternoon. You should be able to log into your Aspen account at that time and select the My Info top tab and then the Current Schedule side tab. 

If you cannot log into your Aspen account, please first try the Trouble Logging In link on the Aspen log in page. If this does not work, you may use this link to request an Aspen password reset. Please note, this is a very busy time of year, and we get many reset requests, and the password reset function is not automatic, so it may take some time to get a password reset.

You can expect that there will be some minor adjustments to schedules over the next week.  Additionally, directed studies are not yet added into schedules.  For most students directed studies will be what will fill in the 1-5 empty spaces they may see in their schedule. Please be sure to check your ASPEN account next Tuesday night for your most accurate schedule. 

Guidance counselors will be available on Wednesday and Thursday (8/21, 8/22) from 8:30am-2:00pm. If your schedule has significant conflicts (incorrect level/class), please stop by the Guidance office and speak to a counselor during this time.  As in the past, changes to elective classes will not be made. 

Thank you, 

FHS Guidance


Sent 8/13/2024 to Juniors and Seniors and their families-A Parking Reminder:

Hello Seniors and Juniors and Families,

This is just a brief reminder that both the FHS Parking Registration (google) form and the Unibank parking payment portal for seniors that wish to park on campus will close at midnight this Friday, August 15th.  

If you wish to park on campus (seniors only) or at the rink (seniors and juniors) and have not completed the parking registration form yet, please use your school gmail account to complete the parking registration form HERE. Remember only students have the ability to complete the google form.

Some additional notes:

  •  Those who apply for rink parking are not guaranteed a spot

  •   Seniors who do not wish to pay for a parking spot on campus will be given first priority for rink parking.  

  •   If we do not have enough spots at the rink, then we will hold a lottery.  We will notify juniors by August 20 if they did NOT get a spot at the rink.

  •  Anyone that is assigned to park at the rink must print out and complete the Rink Waiver document and bring it with them to parking pass pick up next week.


Sent 8/13/2024 to all 9th graders and their families regarding schedules:

Hello students and families of FHS 9th graders,

We are emailing today with updated information about schedules for the coming year. As the summer has progressed and work on all students' schedules has evolved, we are preparing to share schedules via Aspen* in the afternoon on August 20th. 

The work the Guidance Counselors have done throughout the summer has nearly all 9th graders in a complete schedule that includes their primary or alternate elective choices. As has historically happened each year, there are some cases in which a student has been scheduled into an elective that was not a primary or alternate choice due to space availability factors across all classes in the schedule. While we know this can be disappointing for students, we also know that all teachers in all courses will make class an engaging and positive learning environment. 

We hope you can take comfort in knowing that as students’ progress through their high school years they are afforded increased likelihood of getting their first choice courses in all areas. We appreciate your understanding and the conversations you will have with your student about working to take something positive away from all courses, even if it was not a preferred course.

Counselors will be in the office August 21 and August 22 from 8:30-2:00 to address errors in course level or other must-change issues at that time. Again, schedules are anticipated to be posted to Aspen in the afternoon of August 20. Until that time there will not be access to Aspen for viewing schedules.

We look forward to welcoming all students into the building on the first day of school on August 28th.

FHS Administration and Guidance

*Students that attended the Charter School prior to enrolling at FHS, and any 9th grade students that are new to Franklin Public Schools will receive Aspen Log in information from our Registrar, Mrs. Ivy Patten. She will email your login info to your parent/guardian.


Sent 8/12/2024 to all FHS Families-RE: A back to school luncheon for staff and teachers:

Dear FHS Families,

Unbelievably we have just over 2 weeks of summer left before the start of a new school year.  We hope all of our FHS Students and Families have enjoyed lots of quality down time the last couple of months.

The start of a new school year also means our first staff appreciation event is just around the corner.  The PCC is excited to be providing a catered Welcome Back Luncheon for all FHS Staff and Teachers on Tuesday, August 27th.  With about 200 people to feed, your contributions are greatly needed.

Donations can be made quickly and easily right from your phone or computer via PayPal - Paypal Donation Link 

We have also set up an Amazon Wish List for some of the extra items needed - Amazon Wish List Link

Check out our Sign Up Genius to donate beverages and other food items - Sign Up Genius Link

Thank you so much for your generosity today and throughout the year.  Our FHS Staff and Teachers truly appreciate it!



Questions? Feel free to email


Sent 8/6/2024 to all FHS Families -a reminder that Fall Sports Registration closes August 13th

FHS Families,

Tuesday, August 13th is the last day to register, on >> Family ID, for a fall sport. 

FamilyID will re-open for late registration on Monday night, August 19th at 5pm.  Students must be registered and have submitted a valid copy of their physical in order to try-out/practice. 

Football starts Friday, August 16th, and all other sports start Monday August 19th.

Thank you,

FHS Athletics


Sent 8/6/2024 to all FHS Families- updates from Principal Dr. Maria Weber

Dear Franklin High School Families,

I hope you are enjoying all that summer has to offer. While I have been dedicated to getting FHS set up for the upcoming school year, I have also appreciated warm evenings with family and friends. The purpose of this communication is to review and update you on some of the things that have taken place so far to prepare us for the start of school. 

  1. Scheduling: Our guidance department has been working hard to create the best possible schedules for students. This update was sent to families on 7/23 describing where they are in the process. 

  1. Club offerings: Here is a list of clubs that will run during the 2024-2025 school year. More information about club advisors and meeting times will be published once they are finalized within the first few weeks of the school year. 

  1. Parking: There is a fee for on-campus parking this year. Limited parking at the Pirelli rink is also an option. This parking communication was sent to families of Juniors and Seniors. 

  1. Athletics: Information about registering for fall sports and the associated fees can be found here on the athletics page of FPS website.

  1. Administrative Structure and House Office Assignments: Once the final schedule is complete, students will be assigned to a house office. House offices are located in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd floor. Every effort has been made to keep returning students with their same team consisting of an assistant principal, a guidance counselor, and a school adjustment counselor.  

Mrs. Cathy Klein, Mr. Michael Walsh, and Mrs. Leanne Soulard are Assistant Principals who will be located in each house office. We are grateful for the expertise Ms. Klein brings to the team as a returning AP, as well as Mr. Walsh, returning for his second year as an AP.  Mrs. Soulard is excited to join the FHS administrative team as an AP after serving several years in the guidance department.  Kristin Reid will serve as a new member of the administrative team in the role of Associate Principal. Anticipate that you will receive introductory communications soon.  I am excited about the enthusiasm and experience that this team will bring to benefit the students and the FHS community.  

Other updates: 

Our administrative team and support staff have been working hard to find the best candidates to replace some expected and unexpected vacancies while our custodial staff has been working tirelessly to ensure that all classrooms, hallways, and other areas are ready for students and faculty. 

Please reach out with any questions or concerns you have. Another update will be shared closer to the start of the school year. In the meantime, enjoy a few more summer moments with family and friends. 


Maria Weber, Principal

Franklin High School


Sent 7/3/2024 to all FHS families-a message from your new FHS Principal:

Dear Franklin High School Community:

I am sincerely excited to officially introduce myself as the Principal of Franklin High School. I have recently finished my 9th year serving as an Assistant Principal at FHS and before that, I was a teacher in the Science department for 7 years. Over those years I have enjoyed a variety of experiences with students, staff, and families. I am also a proud member of the community and have children who attend Franklin Public Schools.  Although I am not new to FHS, I am eager to work within the capacity of my new role to enhance the current successes while working towards making improvements where needed. 

As the year progresses I hope to engage students and families in opportunities to contribute to the positive culture and academic excellence of Franklin High School. I am acutely aware of the challenges ahead partly due to budget restrictions but I am committed to fostering an inclusive learning environment where students can thrive and enjoy their experiences as FHS students. 

I will send a more detailed communication prior to the start of the academic year and intend to communicate regularly throughout. In the meantime, please feel free to reach out with any questions, concerns, or ideas you have. 


Maria Weber, EdD
Principal, Franklin High School


2023-2024 School Year:

Sent 6/12/2024 to all FPS families -the results of the Prop 2 1/2 override vote:

Dear Franklin Community,

Thank you to the Franklin voters who took the time to vote today. Unfortunately, the requested Proposition 2 ½ override did not pass, and we must implement program and service cuts as previously communicated.

While this outcome presents significant challenges, we remain dedicated to providing students with a high-quality education. We will continue to prioritize our resources and make the most of the approved budget to ensure our students have every opportunity to succeed.


Lucas Giguere

Superintendent,Franklin Public Schools


Sent 6/11/2024 to all FHS 9th, 10th, and 11th grade families regarding PCC's End of the Year Luncheon for Faculty and Staff:

Dear FHS Families, 

As we are into the final week of school and the wrap up the 2023-2024 school year, the PCC will be hosting one last event for the HS Staff and Teachers.  

We're planning an End of the Year Lunch on Monday, June 17th.  Since we just finished a big Teacher Appreciation Week in May we are going to keep this one simple and stay local by using SantaFe Burrito for the food.

While we have some funds left from your generosity earlier in the year, we could certainly use your help rounding out the cost of the luncheon and purchasing the beverages and dessert.  

Please consider donating if you can:

  • PayPal - Online, easy, and fast! 

  • Sign Up Genius - Detailed information regarding delivery of your donation is included on the sign up.

Thank you and we hope that you enjoy your Summer!


P.S. HERE is a photo of the Thank Your Poster that the PCC received after Teacher Appreciation Week in May.  Please know that your generosity in providing these events DOES make a difference.  Each and every member of the FHS Staff is so very appreciative and thankful for all that our FHS families do.

Sent 6/5/2024 to all FHS Families-an announcement regarding the selection of a principal for FHS:

Dear FHS Families,

I am pleased to announce that Dr. Maria Weber has been selected as the Principal of Franklin High School.  She will begin her position on July 1, 2024.  

Dr. Weber participated in an initial interview round. The team recommended that she move forward with a second round of interviews to meet with representative groups of FHS faculty, staff, students, parents/guardians, and FPS leadership.    Feedback from the entire process highlights Dr. Weber's academic knowledge and her dedication to learning, growth, and investment in the FHS.  Notably, her approach to leadership was referenced as being thoughtful, measured, and professional.  It was also shared that she has the ability to cultivate positive relationships with students, parents/guardians, and staff.  One quote included, “Dr. Weber understands the needs at FHS, is a reflective leader, and is eager to work with educators to help them reach their full potential.”

Dr. Weber has been an Assistant Principal at Franklin High School for nine years. During her time there, she conducted thoughtful observations and evaluations of educators across disciplines to support their professional growth, developed policies to promote a safe and effective learning environment for students, and promoted an inclusive culture that fosters communication among students, staff, and families.

Dr. Weber earned her Doctorate in K-12 Educational Leadership from Endicott College, a Master’s degree in Education from Framingham State College, and a Bachelor's in Science in Earth Science and Education from Boston University.  She is excited about this opportunity and looks forward to building new relationships while strengthening existing relationships within the FHS community. 

We are excited to have Maria serve in this role, as it will provide continuity in leadership at FHS. Staff feedback supported this decision, and we are confident in her leadership skills and ability to help us set an educational vision for the school and foster positive relationships within the FHS community.

You can expect to hear from Dr. Weber directly during her transition in the coming weeks.  Please join me in congratulating her. 


Lucas Giguere

Superintendent of Schools


Sent 5/30/2024 to all 9th grade families regarding a reminder of Biology MCAS next week:

Good Afternoon Grade 9 Students, Parents/Guardians, 

This email serves as a reminder that all 9th grade students will be participating in the Biology MCAS next Tuesday (6/4) and Wednesday (6/5). Testing will take place over the first two periods (7:35 am -10:00 am). Here are a few reminders for a successful testing experience:

Students should bring a fully charged chromebook each day. Students who do not have a school issued chromebook will be able to borrow one on testing days. They will be available each morning in front of the 3rd floor house office. Please remember to bring your charger, as well. 

Dismissals are not permitted during the MCAS testing period (7:35am-10:00am).  Please plan any appointments around this time.  

Please get a good night's sleep, eat a healthy breakfast, and arrive at school on time


FHS Administration


Sent 5/23/2024 to all FHS Families and students regarding yearbook pickup

Hello FHS Students,

For those who have ordered one, yearbooks can be picked up next week.

SENIORS ONLY: You can pick up your yearbook at Senior Breakfast, on Tuesday, 5/28 from 8-9 AM in the FHS cafeteria.

All other students: Your yearbook can be picked up in Room 128 beginning on Wednesday, 5/29. 

Thank you,

Ms. Taranto, FHS Yearbook Advisor


Sent 5/23/2024 to all 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students and Families regarding parking on campus next week:

Hello families of FHS student drivers, 

Next week, 5/28-5/31, members of our senior class will be returning to school for graduation rehearsals and other senior-related events. They will need a place to park. Unless you have a parking pass for an on-campus spot, please park at the rink or make other arrangements to get to school. Students MAY NOT park in any spot marked with yellow lines including the spots in the back of the school, even if you have an on-campus parking tag. 

Only students with a rink parking permit should park at the rink. When parking at the rink, please remember to park in the designated area to the left of the building.  

If you don't have a permit to park on campus or at the rink, please make other arrangements next week. 

Thank you, 

FHS Administration


Sent 5/21/2024 to all seniors and families regarding Senior Sign Out Day 5/24/24

Hello seniors and families,

You are almost done. Graduation is next week!!!!!

All seniors are required to attend the Senior Sign Out this Friday, May 24th in the Library from 8 AM to 1 PM according to this schedule.  Please contact your Assistant Principal if you are unable to attend the Sign Out.

To make your Senior Sign Out efficient, we ask that you do a few things in advance of Friday May 24th.  If you do these things ahead of time, your sign out will be a breeze:

  • If you owe money to the school (lost or damaged books, library books, Lost ID, chromebook, charger, calculator or other items, unpaid fees) or to the cafeteria, you can pay those fees before sign out day. You can pay your school fees online HERE (look for the red items on that page) . Please print out or save a copy of your payment confirmation on your phone and bring it to Senior Sign Out day. WE CANNOT ACCEPT CASH.

  • If you owe money to the cafeteria, you can pay your Cafeteria fees on

  • Make sure your Chromebook is charged, clean, and all stickers removed to avoid fees; make sure you also bring the Dell 65W charger that was assigned to you with the chromebook.

  • If you want download your google drive contents or anything from your Chromebook before returning it, follow these instructions. Once you turn in your device and you have graduated you will no longer have access to your School google drive. Please plan accordingly.

  • Make sure to complete the Guidance Post Graduation Plans survey and let your counselor know if you need a final transcript sent to the college or other school of your choice.

  • If you have any textbooks or other school owned items at home, please return them to your teachers or bring them to the textbooks return station. You will have to pay for any unreturned textbooks from this school year.

  • Make sure to stop by the table with the Assistant Principals/Interim Co-Principals and let them know how to pronounce your name for the graduation ceremony.

        Who do I stop and see?

  • Dr. Weber:    last names A-Entzminger, Valedictorian, Salutatorian, Top 5%

  • Mrs. Klein:    last names Essam through Nguyen

  • Mr. Walsh:    last names Nicholson-Zub, and Class Officers

Once you have received the appropriate signature from each of the (7) stations indicating you owe nothing to that department, you will proceed to the cap and gown station and get your cap and gown; then you are done at the Sign-Out.

We suggest you bring a signed check or two with you to the Sign Out just in case you owe money that you were not aware of. This will ensure you do not have to go home and come back with a check.  We cannot accept cash.

Congratulations !!


Sent 5/20/2024 to all FHS Families regarding an uptick in bathroom vandalism at FHS: 

Dear Franklin High School Families,

We are writing to you today to inform you of ongoing vandalism in the bathrooms at Franklin High School. Most recently, we have seen an uptick in the destruction of these spaces, including breaking faucets, damaging soap dispensers, and ripping paper towel holders off of the wall. We have also seen inappropriate items left in urinals and toilets. 

Although this behavior is believed to be the result of the actions of a few students, the impact is felt by the entire school community. This destruction of property is unacceptable and does not meet our expectations for student behavior. 

We are working diligently to identify the students involved and will be reaching out to those families specifically. Any student identified as being a part of this destruction will be held accountable, and consequences will be determined according to our FHS Student Handbook. These consequences could include an out-of-school suspension for up to ten days. Students may also be asked to pay restitution for the repairs. 

We are asking for your help. Please talk to your students at home about this destruction of school property and the potential consequences of being involved. We encourage all students to report any vandalism that they witness or learn of. Students can tell a trusted adult, teacher, or administrator in person or via email.  

We are fortunate to have such a beautiful school and it is the responsibility of the entire community to keep it that way.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.


Dr. Weber & Mrs. Klein

Interim Co-Principals


Sent 5/16/2024 to all Senior Families-tomorrow is the last day to buy a Senior Week Ticket:

Good afternoon Senior Families, 

Tomorrow (Friday, May 17th) is the last day to purchase a Senior Week ticket.

You can purchase your Senior Week Ticket by clicking the link.

*If approved for free/reduced, please complete the contract indicating you would like to attend Senior Week.

All students participating in Senior Week Activities must also complete the Senior Week Contract linked below.

**If you do not complete the Senior Week contract by tomorrow at 2:10 pm, we cannot guarantee that an alternative meal can be provided due to a dietary restriction or allergy**

Additionally, any student planning on attending must have paid all class dues

If you have any questions, please contact the Class of 2024 Advisors:

Ms. Holly Cullinan

Mr. Michael Doherty


Sent 5/14/2024 to all FHS families regarding last days to purchase an FHS Yearbook:

FHS Families, 

If you want to purchase a yearbook for the 2023-2024 school year, and have not already done so, please click HERE to purchase it.

Online yearbook sales close on May 31st.

Thank you,

Alyssa Taranto, Yearbook Advisor


Sent 5/13/2024 to all seniors and their families regarding "Senior Skip Day.": 

FHS Seniors, 

We have received information that some members of the senior class may be planning to skip school tomorrow, Tuesday, May 14th.

"Senior Skip Day" is not supported by Franklin High School and will be an unexcused absence unless documented per the reasons noted in the Student Handbook.

Excessive absences may prevent students from participating in senior week activities. 


The FHS Administration


Sent 5/10/2024 to all FPS Families regarding possible redistricting: 

Dear FPS Community,

This is a follow-up to the FPS Comprehensive School Facilities Analysis recommendation presented to the School Committee on April 30th. Based on the questions we received from the community, we created a Comprehensive School Facilities Recommendation Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) linked to the FPS website to answer as many questions as possible at this time. 

Thank you to all who submitted your questions. The FAQ is categorized under the following topics: 1. Process 2. Community 3. Student Support 4. Transportation/Traffic 5. Budget 6. Facilities 7. Human Resources 8. Other. We will continue to update the FAQ with additional responses and provide more information as it becomes available.  As previously shared, some information can only be determined if the recommendation from the architectural firm and master planner is approved.  In addition to the FAQ, please find the FPS School Facilities and Educational Master Plan Report linked on our FPS website. 

We recognize these options result in significant change within the district.  The recommendations from the architectural firm and master planner were put forth with great respect and consideration for the educational experience of all Franklin students. Our goal is to ensure a balanced and equitable distribution of enrollment, resources, and opportunities while striving for the most modern facilities to support our students' growth and development. 

Maintaining students' connectedness to school and community remains paramount. Should the school committee vote to approve the recommendation, you can anticipate routine updates regarding the next steps and future community engagement opportunities throughout the process. The district is also drafting a preliminary implementation framework that expands upon the recommended timeline guided by master plan recommendations.    


Franklin Public Schools


Sent 5/7/2024 to all FHS Families seeking volunteers and donations for All Night Party:

Hello FHS Families,

If you are looking for a way to support the All-Night Party for the class of 2024, but can't volunteer, here is a great opportunity to spoil our seniors! 

You may donate food, snacks, raffle items, and prizes to the All Night Party. For ideas and/or to directly purchase from the ANP Wish List, click HERE.

We will have an evening at the end of May for you to be able to drop off donated items at Oak Street/Horace Mann.  We will contact you directly when we have an exact date and time for the drop off. 

You don't need to buy these items on Amazon, we are just providing some pictures/descriptions of what we are looking for.  Feel free to purchase items anywhere!

Some volunteers for certain time slots are still needed. If you would like to volunteer at All Night Party, click HERE to sign up.

For questions, please reach out.

Thank you!



Sent 5/6/2024 to all FHS Families regarding the Principal Search process:

Franklin High School Families:

We would like to share some information with you about the Franklin High School Principal search. The position was posted on April 17, 2024.  We have established a thoughtful search process that includes a visioning session, screening process, interview rounds, and site visits for finalists to meet with students, staff, and families.

We are seeking two family volunteers to sit on the first-round interview committee.  This committee will serve to interview candidates who have been screened for an initial round of interviews and to recommend finalists move forward to additional steps in the process.  Volunteers for this committee must be able to fulfill the following time commitment:

  • Organizational Meeting & First-Round Interviews

  • Date: Monday, May 13, 2024

  • Time: 12:00 pm - 6:15 pm

  • Location:  Municipal Building, 3rd Floor Training Room 

If you are interested in participating on the Interview Committee, please contact Denise Miller by email no later than 4:00 PM on May 7, 2024.  We will email you by May 9, 2024, to inform you if you have been selected to participate. 

Please note that all families will have the opportunity to meet finalists and provide input to the Superintendent before he makes a final decision. 

Thank you in advance for your interest in serving on this committee.


Dr. Tina Rogers, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning

Mr. Ken Storlazzi, Director of Human Resources


Sent 4/30/2024 to all FHS Families-a reminder of Teacher Appreciation Week next week:

Good Morning FHS Families,

It's almost here!!!

The details are finalized, supplies have been purchased, prizes have been assembled, volunteer schedules have been completed, and the catering has been ordered – Phew!!  We are ready to kick off Survivor Week (Teacher Appreciation) at the high school starting on Monday morning!

A couple last minute reminders/details to mention: 

Donation Delivery (link to sign up)

As a reminder for those who have signed up to donate items – please check the Sign-Up Genius for details on when to deliver your items to the HS.  If you need to make alternate arrangements, please email FHSPCC ASAP to do so.  

Volunteers (link to sign up)

If anything comes up and you are unable to make the time you are slotted for, please contact the coordinator (a sign-up genius email has been sent to you with contact information). 

Last Minute Needs

Oops – we forgot Dessert   No worries, we’re adding a full Candy Bar at the Luncheon so that the teachers can create their own goodies bags to take and enjoy all afternoon.  We’ve added some last minute needs to our Amazon Gift List to accommodate this, so please take a peek -  Amazon Wish List 

Additional Donations

If you haven’t had a chance to do so, we are still accepting donations via PayPal.  Any extra funds will be held onto to help cover the costs of the Fall Welcome Back Luncheon in late August. Donations can be made anytime via PayPal – PayPal.

We’ll be sure to post lots of pictures from the week on the PCC Facebook page, so if you are not already a member, click here to join – Franklin High School PCC 

If you have any questions at all, please reach out anytime - FHSPCC.

We can't thank you enough for your extreme generosity and shared enthusiasm!



Sent 4/29/2024 to all 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students and families regarding the Southeast Asia Trip scheduled for April 2025

Dear FHS Students, Families

Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary adventure that will leave you with memories to last a lifetime? We are thrilled to present to you an amazing opportunity to explore the captivating wonders of Southeast Asia – Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand!

Join us on a journey of discovery as we delve into the rich tapestry of cultures, landscapes, and experiences that await in these breathtaking destinations. From the bustling streets of Ho Chi Minh City, the beautiful Mekong Delta, to the ancient temples of Angkor Wat, get ready to immerse yourself in the beauty and diversity of Southeast Asia.

Here's what you can look forward to on this unforgettable trip:

Cultural Immersion: Experience the vibrant traditions and warm hospitality of Southeast Asia as you interact with local communities, sample delicious cuisine, and participate in cultural activities.
Historical Marvels: Explore ancient ruins, royal palaces, and UNESCO World Heritage sites that showcase the rich history and heritage of the region, including the awe-inspiring temples of Angkor and the historic landmarks of Hanoi.
Natural Splendor: From the lush rice paddies of Vietnam's Mekong Delta to the pristine beaches of Thailand's Phi Phi Islands, discover the natural beauty and scenic landscapes that make Southeast Asia truly enchanting.
Educational Opportunities: Gain valuable insights into global issues, sustainable development, and cross-cultural understanding through engaging workshops, discussions, and interactive learning experiences led by knowledgeable guides and experts.

Don't miss out on this incredible adventure! Secure your spot today and get ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime in Southeast Asia.
Here is the Southeast Asia Presentation. The QR Code to sign up for the trip is located in the presentation.

For more information and to reserve your place, please contact me.

Christopher Penza

We can't wait to explore Southeast Asia with you!

Warm regards,

Thank you,

Asia Trip Advisors:

Christopher Penza

Chrstopher Kelly


Sent 4/23/2024 to all 9th grade parents/guardians regarding opting your student out of postural screenings:

Dear FPS 9th grade Parent / Guardian, 

Franklin Public School nurses will be conducting postural screening on all students in grades 5-9 this spring per Massachusetts law (M.G.L. c.71, s.57) . The purpose is to detect early signs of possible spinal problems in children. It is not a diagnostic service but a program to identify those who should have further medical evaluation. If your child has any unusual findings, you will be notified and asked to take the child to a physician. The majority of students exhibit no findings. If nothing unusual is found, we will not be contacting you again until the screening next year. 

School Nurses are required to perform these screenings annually regardless of whether or not a child has been screened by their provider. Parents may choose to opt-out of their child's school screening by providing a written statement (M.G.L. c71, s57). If choosing to opt your child out of the school screening, please forward a copy of your child's most recent postural (scoliosis) screening to your child's school nurse. 

*PLEASE NOTE:  NEW this year, "opt out' form for scoliosis screening MUST be completed in order to be EXEMPT.  We need this in addition to any physician documentation you may have submitted. 

If you would prefer your student not be screened for scoliosis