HMMS ThunderClap

Student newspaper podcast for Horace Mann Middle School

During Meet the Teachers, we sit and chat with a teacher so you can get to know the staff better.

We chatted with some cast members of and audience members for The Wizard of Oz

During People in the Halls, we find students and teachers and ask them to share something interesting. This episode is on Favorite Thanksgiving desserts.

During People in the Halls, we find students and teachers and ask them to share something interesting. This episode is on the Veterans Day Assembly.

We sat down and chatted with visiting author Leslie Connor.

During People in the Halls, we find students and teachers and ask them to share something interesting. This episode is on Halloween candy.

During People in the Halls, we find students and teachers and ask them to share something interesting. This episode is on favorite characters.

During People in the Halls, we find students and teachers and ask them to share something interesting. This episode is on the best part of people's days.

Classroom Happenings: We interviewed teachers from each grade to see what they are teaching.

During People in the Halls, we find students and teachers and ask them to share something interesting.

On May 17, author Brigid Kemmerer visited with the students at HMMS.

In early May, HMMS had its annual Days of Remembrance to honor victims and heroes of the Holocaust. We asked students their thoughts about speakers brought in to to further their understanding.

During Meet the Teachers, we sit and chat with a teacher so you can get to know the staff better.

During Meet the Teachers, we sit and chat with a teacher so you can get to know the staff better.

The annual World Geography & Culture Night took place in January and exposed students to many new areas of geography and culture.

During People in the Halls, we find students and teachers and ask them to share something interesting.

Listen to the introduction to our new podcast, highlighting the reason for the change.